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From John Hopkins Center of Music and Medicine - "Though acknowledging the role of music in addressing illness is not new, recent research is illuminating how music affects the brain and other body systems in a measurable way.

Using that knowledge, practitioners can now integrate music with medicine to augment healing. The Center for Music & Medicine is continuing to expand research on the effect of music on neurological diseases such as Parkinson's disease, Alzheimer's disease, epilepsy and stroke.

A recent study conducted at Johns Hopkins found that group singing improved quality of life and voice strength and clarity in patients with Parkinson’s disease. Patients have continued singing weekly in the community, an endeavor also supported by the Johns Hopkins Parkinson's Disease and Movement Disorders Center."

"Music has been an integral part of the human experience as long as humanity has been around. It’s been intuitively felt to have healing properties, but now we are in a position to study the mechanisms and optimize music-based interventions." -

Alexander Pantelyat, M.D., director of the Center for Music & Medicine


Here at MIM - Music Is Medicine - one of our primary motivating factors is teaching and producing music in order to facilitate and aid in the healing of those that need it the most.  As a Kundalini Yoga Gong Sound Healing teacher, instructor, and practitioner, our director - Jim Carson "Dharam Deep Singh" aka OM Daddy & Ganesha Cartel - has helped alleviate the pain and suffering of thousands of students including a prominent UCLA music ethnologist (who was suffering from leukemia and cancer at the time) who said that Mr. Carson aka Dharam Deep Singh had the most dynamic range of any symphonic gong player he had ever heard in his life. This greatly helped to end suffering and bring joy into the music ethnologist's life. Carson noticed a profound difference from the first class to the second and third and fourth and so on classes that the music ethnologist took with him.


Music ethnologists are like anthropologists who study music extensively to understand culture and have many years experience interacting with different instruments. Carson, or "Dharam" as most of students called him, was born with the gift of sound healing as he took to mastering the art of the gong early on in his training with Kundalini Research Institute in the Bay Area of San Francisco with Dr. Yogi (master gong player) and teacher of mantra (sacred sound produced by chanting vocally) Prabhunam Kaur. Dharam would go on to use the gong in many yoga ceremonies, classes, workshops, and festivals while blending it with various forms of dance, DJing, sacred cacao chocolate, mantra choirs, and even instrumental live music.

If you need Kundalini Gong Sound Healing please inquire within for rates and appointment times.

We are not affiliated with the Center for Music & Medicine at John Hopkins Center, but greatly admire their work and dedication to the field of utilizing music as medicine.

Additional info here:


Music Is Medicine - MIM

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